Cover Story: Comic-culture hero Regie shows the world his true superpower


JOIN THE ADVENTURE—It was all in a day’s work for the broccoli-shaped superhero Regie, who left a crowd of parents and children savoring the flavors of colorful fruits and vegetables—and pondering the rich role that food plays in our lives. Regie—both in a 6-foot-tall costumed version and in the form of a 1-foot-tall plush puppet—had top billing as the star of the show. But, a Michigan state senator who appeared with Regie, and told his own story of a life-long struggle with diabetes, clearly won the hearts of the crowd. Please, enjoy our Cover Story about Regie, this week, and share it with friends on social media.




Want to see all the holidays? Remember the simple address:


DID YOU KNOW? Father’s Day is only 45 years old. Even though the idea was proposed more than a century ago, it wasn’t an official observance until 1972. Stephanie Fenton, our Holidays expert, tells the story behind this popular occasion. She also shares some helpful (and delicious) links to recipes and holiday ideas.






FREEDOM did not come easily after the Civil War, which is why many African-American communities nationwide still observe a holiday called “Juneteenth.” Stephanie Fenton has the story about how slaves in Texas finally attained freedom in that state—and how they started an annual remembrance of that milestone.






GodSigns—Columnist Suzy Farbman writes about the blossoming arts scene in Detroit, which includes a cabaret series that brings top stars to “pop up” venues.








ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work freely published at

Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journala monthly magazine packed with complete study guides to films. This resource is used coast-to-coast by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.

Among Ed’s latest free movie reviews are:



