COVER STORY: Suddenly battling aggressive cancer again, Howard Brown reminds all of us that the key to survival is a caring community

Leading Advocate for Families with Cancer Finds Himself Back in a Fight for His Life 

THIS IS A COVER STORY NONE OF US WANTED TO PUBLISH, but we must! Our frequent inspirational columnist and nationally known advocate for families battling cancer—Shining Brightly author Howard Brown—suddenly is back in the trenches, facing a life-and-death struggle with a very aggressive new form of cancer. Howard asked us to update readers with this news—because he wants to express his gratefulness for readers’ strong support for him and all those who are fighting cancer.



From Our Writers Doing Good in the World—

Dr. David Gushee’s compassion highlighted by CNN

CNN story about a reunited family highlights Gushee’s book

OUR COMMUNITY OF WRITERS was pleased on Monday, November 4, to find Dr. David Gushee’s landmark book, Changing Our Mind, flagged by Amazon as a “Best Seller.” The book zoomed up Amazon’s sales rankings over the weekend as a result of the CNN network’s in-depth, inspirational story about a family—once divided by evangelical anti-LGBTQ bias—who have been reunited through the compassion these family members discovered in Christian scholars like that of Mercer University’s Dr. David Gushee.

To get your own copy: You can order your own copy of Dr. Gushee’s bestseller from Amazon in hardcover, paperback, Kindle or audio versions. You can use this link or click on the book-cover icon with this news item.

To read the CNN story: The story is headlined—”After their son came out, this conservative Christian couple went into a closet of their own.”



Holidays & Festivals

Ready for these Top 10 Thanksgiving Events?

STEPHANIE FENTON HAS THIS PREVIEW of the cluster of 10 events and observances that now are clustered around American Thanksgiving Day.


WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS? It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances. Just remember the web address:


Faith & Film

Click on this image to read an illustrated tribute to the life of Faith & Film critic Edward McNulty (1936-2024).

ED McNULTY, for decades, published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Here are some of Ed’s final reviews:













Cover Story: Duncan Newcomer’s long-awaited “big book” on the spiritual life of Abraham Lincoln finds a home at Santos Press

A nationwide community of readers awaits this version of ‘Quiet Fire’

OUR COVER STORY THIS WEEK tells the fascinating story of how Duncan Newcomer, a Lincoln scholar based in Maine, coined the phrase “Quiet Fire” to describe Abraham Lincoln’s passion for both justice and for the healing of deep wounds in American life. And, we learn in this story, how that message evolved from early radio broadcasts and online columns toward a “big book” coming in 2025 that will explore Lincoln’s complex spiritual life in depth.

Meanwhile, our Cover Story also includes a video interview with Duncan Newcomer that you can watch right now—plus links to an earlier Quiet Fire book by Duncan and online access to some of Duncan’s original radio broadcasts via Spotify.

There’s so much to enjoy and take to heart in this story—at a time when our nation once again is deeply divided—that we hope you will share our Cover Story with friends via social media and email this week.



From Our Community of Writers—

Who speaks for the more than 50 million American Catholics?

We’re publishing answers to this red-hot question

IN A NEWSY FRONT EDGE PUBLISHING COLUMN, this week, MSU School of Journalism professor Joe Grimm reports on the war of words unfolding over the authority to speak to and for millions of Catholics. Pope Frances has just released a major encyclical about the problem of vicious competition around the world that threatens the compassionate hearts of faithful people. Meanwhile, across the central United States, some conservative political mud slingers are distributing fake Catholic newspapers, claiming to speak for the church. MSU’s Joe Grimm explains what’s going on—and he provides valuable links to read more about each of these unfolding news stories. If you care about the Catholic church, this is a story to read and share with friends via social media.



Where is Rodney Curtis now?

RECOGNIZE THE LOCATION? If so, then you’re certain to enjoy seeing Rodney’s photos—and reading his story—in “Part 1” of his latest global adventure.

But wait! There’s more! After that first column, Rodney posted a second column that you won’t want to miss with more gorgeous photos as he continues his adventure.




Holidays & Festivals

Celebrating Under Many Names:
Allhallowtide, Dia de los Muertos, Samhain

STEPHANIE FENTON HAS THE STORY FOR US, this week, explaining the main variations on this holiday—and, of course, providing helpful links to DIY costumes and tasty holiday foods as well.


WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS? It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances. Just remember the web address:


Faith & Film

Click on this image to read an illustrated tribute to the life of Faith & Film critic Edward McNulty (1936-2024).

ED McNULTY, for decades, published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Here are some of Ed’s final reviews:













‘Telling Stories in the Dark’ audio book debuts as a No. 1 New Release on Amazon

Media Collaboration in Northern Michigan produces a new bestseller among Amazon’s audio books

OUR COVER STORY THIS WEEK stretches from a sound studio in Northern Michigan to eager listeners around the world after a like-minded collaboration formed between book narrator Craig Abbott and author Jeffrey Munroe, who wrote the inspirational book, Telling Stories in the Dark.

Please enjoy our story about how a special spirit seemed to be pushing Craig toward working with Jeff—and how the resulting audio-book just hit Amazon with a “No. 1 New Release” flag for its popularity with listeners. And, of course, if this story interests you, please take a moment to share it on social media or via email with your friends. Who knows? You might soon find yourself in the midst of one of the discussion groups nationwide in which readers (and now listeners) are exploring the practical wisdom Jeffrey and Craig are sharing with us all.

NOTE: This link takes you to our ReadTheSpirit Cover Story, which is posted in our Front Edge Publishing blog this week.



And, Here’s More Inspiring Multimedia You Can Enjoy This Week


‘What Is Sacred about Friendship?’

The InterFaith Leadership Council of Metropolitan Detroit (IFLC) is nationally known for building bridges between the many religious groups that have called southeast Michigan home for more than a century. Among the IFLC’s remarkable accomplishments is its in-depth interfaith conversations that have continued in southeast Michigan, even when many such relationships have broken down over the past year or so. Rising waves of religious hatred around the world, plus ongoing global conflicts, have made it difficult for this kind of peaceful work to continue.

However, the IFLC has not stopped its interfaith work. Now, the IFLC is debuting this fascinating video-podcast conversation between Jewish leaders and one of the nation’s most influential Muslim academics. Please make time this week to watch this podcast—and to share it with friends as a sign of hope.

NOTE: This link takes you to the IFLC’s online presentation of this free-to-stream podcast.



From audio and video to illustrated biography

Abrams debuts a new imprint with a graphic biography of Tolkien and Lewis

NEWLY RELEASED THIS MONTH is a delightful illustrated biography of the friends J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis—a “debut” volume in a new imprint of graphic and illustrated books for young readers by the famous arts publisher Abrams. David Crumm offers us his 5-star review of this wonderfully entertaining new book.

NOTE: This link takes you to ReadTheSpirit Editor David Crumm’s Goodreads review of The Mythmakers. While you’re visiting David’s Goodreads page, take a moment to “follow” or “friend” David on Goodreads, where he posts at least a couple of new reviews each week.



And from Bill Tammeus—

‘Why the National Catholic Reporter’s history matters to everyone’

VETERAN RELIGION WRITER BILL TAMMEUS adds his valuable perspective on the new history of the courageous team at the National Catholic Reporter. For 60-plus years, the NCR staff has carried out their mission of providing top-quality, independent news coverage of events in the world’s largest denomination—the Roman Catholic church.

NOTE: This link takes you to Bill Tammeus’s online home, where he regularly posts news, commentary and reviews. While you’re there, check out Bill’s considerable archives—and you also can learning more about his inspiring Love Loss and Endurance on Amazon.



Intrigued by the flames on this new book cover?

THIS WEEK, WE’RE UNVEILING the visually striking cover of Jonathan Grimm’s upcoming book, The Future Poor—How Families and Communities Can Join Together to Survive the Looming Retirement Crisis. Our Susan Stitt writes this Front Edge Publishing column about the timely nature of Jonathan’s book—and the practical help families will find in these pages. Plus, we’ve got a short video clip that unveils the entire book cover designed for us by Art Director Rick Nease, which soon will be showing up on Amazon and other quality booksellers’ websites. And we’ve got a fresh link in this column to learn more about Jonathan himself—and the new free Grim News service he’s providing to families nationwide.

NOTE: This link takes you to our Front Edge Publishing column about the new book.



Holidays & Festivals


Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah

THE ANNUAL JEWISH HARVEST FESTIVAL OF SUKKOT is ending this week with a two-day cluster of traditional observances that Holidays & Festivals columnist Stephanie Fenton describes for us.


Celebrating Under Many Names:
Allhallowtide, Dia de los Muertos, Samhain

STEPHANIE FENTON HAS THE STORY FOR US, this week, explaining the main variations on this holiday—and, of course, providing helpful links to DIY costumes and tasty holiday foods as well.


WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS? It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances. Just remember the web address:


Faith & Film

Click on this image to read an illustrated tribute to the life of Faith & Film critic Edward McNulty (1936-2024).

ED McNULTY, for decades, published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Here are some of Ed’s final reviews:













Cover Story: Veteran podcaster Ken Kemp introduces the ‘Sanctuary’ story to his national audience

A Sanctuary in the Heartland—
‘This Book is a Gift’

OUR COVER STORY THIS WEEK is a podcast—an audio conversation in this case—produced by the veteran podcaster Ken Kemp, who uses the signature line: “Beached White Male.” In recent years, through his podcasts and columns, Ken has explored the ever-growing circle of communities that embrace inclusivity as a part of their expression of God’s love. Ken’s message is one of hope—that we don’t have to react to change by feeling left behind, isolated or “beached.” In fact, as Ken puts it, God’s love is broad enough to make room for all of us.

As a podcaster, Ken has a welcoming voice, a storyteller’s talents and a masterful way of unfolding interviews with his guests. That’s especially true in this recent podcast-conversation with Dr. Thomas Wassink, co-author of the new book: Sanctuary.

Intrigued? Well, we can tell you: This new book is a valuable companion for the tens of thousands of congregations nationwide that are currently in the process of trying to become more inclusive. Please, listen to Ken Kemp and Dr. Thomas Wassink talk about Sanctuary’s unique journey—and, when you’re done, please share this week’s Cover Story with friends across social media and email.

In these deeply divided times, we all can use some good news about cordial, inclusive communities.



And More from Our Community of Writers—

Weekly doses of inspiration for resilient living boost the Shining Brightly podcast

WE’RE ALL CELEBRATING, this week, two rare milestones author Howard Brown has reached with his weekly podcast, Shining Brightly. Coincidentally, he reached more than 200,000 listener downloads the same week he published his 100th episode. Please enjoy a special, inspirational “solo” message from Howard in this podcast, which you can hear along with our story about his achievement.



Intrigued by the flames on this new book cover?

THIS WEEK, WE’RE UNVEILING the visually striking cover of Jonathan Grimm’s upcoming book, The Future Poor—How Families and Communities Can Join Together to Survive the Looming Retirement Crisis. Our Susan Stitt writes this Front Edge Publishing column about the timely nature of Jonathan’s book—and the practical help families will find in these pages. Plus, we’ve got a short video clip that unveils the entire book cover designed for us by Art Director Rick Nease, which soon will be showing up on Amazon and other quality booksellers’ websites. And we’ve got a fresh link in this column to learn more about Jonathan himself—and the new free Grim News service he’s providing to families nationwide.




Holidays & Festivals


THE ANNUAL JEWISH HARVEST FESTIVAL OF SUKKOT is one of the most beloved family observances as grandparents, parents and children set up temporary shelters, also called “booths” or “sukkahs,” to remember God’s long legacy of providing for families. For this Sukkot, author Rusty Rosman writes about a very unusual keepsake in her family—a piece of woven roofing made 120 years ago by a young Jewish couple who picked and fashioned the reeds from a river in southeast Michigan.



WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS? It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances. Just remember the web address:


Faith & Film

Click on this illustration to read an illustrated tribute to the life of Faith & Film critic Edward McNulty (1936-2024).

ED McNULTY, for decades, published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Here are some of Ed’s final reviews:










Cover Story: What good news to discover neighbors finding ‘common ground’ in discussing the Bible!

Thanks to George A. Mason’s The Word Made Fresh

THIS WEEK’S COVER STORY comes to us from the heart of Texas by journalist, educator and health-care advocate Ann Worley who writes about how a new book—George A. Mason’s The Word Made Fresh—has inspired her congregation in an ongoing way. While a very “local” story, this is an important reminder to all of us about the influence of the millions of small groups spread across America’s more than 350,000 congregations. In this year of especially deep, public divisions among Christians, the idea of warm and inspiring conversations about the Bible seems like pretty good news to many of us!

Thanks, Ann—and thanks to Ann’s friends in her congregation—for sharing this story with all of us! We now invite our readers to enjoy this Cover Story—and then to share this story with friends across social media. In that process, we all are contributing in small but important ways to the health of our communities nationwide.



And More from Our Community of Writers—


The story of Sanctuary church is Coming Out this week

OUR TRIO OF FRIENDS IN IOWA who tell their true story in the memoir, Sanctuary, have reached their own official Coming Out day. This “official book launch date” was chosen to coincide with the annual observance of National Coming Out Day this week. Please enjoy this multimedia story—complete with a short video, a book review and an overview of this congregation’s powerful story—and then share a link to this story with your friends, perhaps to mark National Coming Out Day on Friday October 11.


Suzy Farbman—

Jane Fonda shares wisdom on aging

GodSigns COLUMNIST SUZY FARBMAN writes about a recent talk that actress Jane Fonda gave about, among other things, the journey of aging.



Joe Grimm—

Reviewing John Gallagher’s memoir, ‘Rust Belt Reporter’

SINCE OUR FOUNDING IN 2007, our publishing house has been based in Southeast Michigan, so we asked one of our long-time book editors—MSU Journalism’s Joe Grimm—to provide our readers a review of Detroit Free Press veteran John Gallagher’s wise new memoir of life in an American metropolis where everything seems to have gone wrong. However, through those decades, Gallagher kept looking for signs of a comeback and his book celebrates the real evidence Gallagher sees of Detroit’s revitalization. If you care about southeast Michigan, this is a memoir you simply should not miss.


Holidays & Festivals

Yom Kippur

HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS COLUMNIST Stephane Fenton writes about the timeless spiritual power of Yom Kippur, traditionally called the holiest day in the Jewish calendar.

Daesara, Dussehra or Vijayadashami

HOWEVER YOU MAY SEE THIS FESTIVAL’s name spelled, you will recognize it as a major Hindu festival enjoyed by families in India and in many other parts of the world—if you read Stephanie Fenton’s column.


WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS? It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances. Just remember the web address:


Faith & Film

Click on this illustration to read an illustrated tribute to the life of Faith & Film critic Edward McNulty (1936-2024).

ED McNULTY, for decades, published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Here are some of Ed’s final reviews:










COVER STORY: Farewell to our Friend, Faith & Film Critic Edward McNulty (1936-2024), an Obituary and Remembrance

A Lifetime Love of Family, Stories, Social Justice—and Cinema

OUR COVER STORY THIS WEEK shares stories from the life of Faith & Film Critic Edward McNulty—who eventually was called by his denomination “the Presbyterian Church (USA)’s favorite film critic.” He lived his life with a passion for social justice and the arts that he detailed for readers in magazines, books, workshops and sermons.

First, read this obituary and photo gallery researched and prepared by his family.

Then, read this personal reflection on his legacy by ReadTheSpirit Editor David Crumm.

When you’re done, please take a moment to share these inspiring stories with friends via social media. That simple step helps to spread a bit more good news in our troubled world.



And from our community of writers—

A Chaldean Catholic Celebration

PHOTOGRAPHER and AUTHOR Rodney Curtis invites us to accompany him on a photographic celebration with a Chaldean family, a rare opportunity to meet some of our neighbors who follow a Christian tradition that dates back millennia to the time and language of Jesus.

You definitely will enjoy Rodney’s gallery of photographs—but you may be intrigued by the references to Chaldean tradition. If so, we’ve got a book for that, produced by the Michigan State University School of Journalism Bias Busters project: 100 Questions and Answers about Chaldean Americans.



A Circle of Spiritual Connections

I AM NOT SURE WHETHER AUTHOR BILL TAMMEUS was aware of this, but the late Ed McNulty was one of the Presbyterian readers who sent us a link to this article about the national Guns to Gardens program that was carried by the Presbyterian News Service this summer. Then, just as we were finalizing this week’s issue of ReadTheSpirit with Ed’s obituary, an author friend in Chicago, Chris Stepien, sent us a link to Bill Tammeus’ new column about this same program, Guns to Gardens—which is coming to Kansas City on October 12.

In editing this magazine, we pay attention to convergences of ideas like this and, in turnwe are recommending that you find inspiration in Bill’s column about Guns to Gardens, too. And—if you do read Bill’s column there’s a bonus at the end: Bill has added a “Book Corner” review of Chris Stepien’s new novel about Jesus’ mother Mary.

And so the circle of connections turns and turns. I realize that this was a long way of explaining why we’re linking to this column by Bill, today—but it illustrates the ongoing creative power of this national network of writers we represent. Thanks to everyone out there—Chris, Bill and the late Ed—for lifting up good news like this!


Holidays & Observances



Welcoming Rosh Hashana 5785

HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS columnist Stephanie Fenton writes about the Jewish High Holidays starting this week.


Dates of St. Francis Blessings Vary Every Year

SINCE THE FEAST OF ST. FRANCIS falls on a Friday this year (October 4), some congregations that offer blessings of animals are moving the event to other dates—including Sunday October 6 this year. If you enjoy these services, you may want to inquire early about blessings in your region. Holidays & Festivals columnist Stephanie Fenton has our story for us.


WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS? It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances. Just remember the web address:


Click on this poster to read Ed McNulty’s review of this documentary.

Faith & Film

ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Here are Ed’s final reviews:















COVER STORY: Dr. David Gushee and Jonathan Grimm discuss: When do our faith and conscience compel us to speak out?

Two Authors Whose Faith and Conscience Move Them to Prophetically Help Others

THIS WEEK’s COVER STORY is actually a magazine-style collection of stories on a single theme: “When do our faith and conscience compel us to speak out?”

FIRST, we are featuring a unique conversation between bestselling Christian ethicist Dr. David Gushee and his former student financial expert Jonathan Grimm, talking about the moral teachings of Jesus that should prompt millions of Americans to think about the deeply conflicted state of our nation and our world today.

This is a video conversation you’ll want to share with friends—and may find yourself quoting in coming weeks as we contend with the complex issues in this political season.


SECOND, Jonathan Grimm is launching his own major new effort to help the millions of Americans who are facing a looming retirement crisis. That’s a situation that Grimm details in his new book, written in part because of the social conscience that his mentor Dr. Gushee helped to spark in him years ago. We can avoid that financial crisis, Grimm believes, if we understand more about the powerful financial, social and cultural forces that are pushing us toward that critical shortfall. AND—like his mentor Dr. Gushee—Grimm is committed to producing free weekly columns that will be valuable in helping readers nationwide understand the challenges we face. So, please, check out his new offering—The (free) Grimm News service—and please consider signing up yourself.


THIRD, Dr. Gushee has issued a public challenge to men and women of faith and conscience nationwide to consider co-signing the “Christian Faith and Democracy” statement about core Christian values that call for “a multi-racial, multi-faith, multi-generational democracy, where every voice is valued and every person afforded the opportunity to participate fully and freely in the life of the community.” Original sponsors of this online effort include Jim Wallis through the Georgetown Center for Faith & Justice as well as Walter Brueggemann, Diana Butler Bass, Tony Campolo, Shane Claiborne, EJ Dionne, Adam Hamilton, Brian McLaren, Miroslav Volf—and, like Dr. Gushee, another member of our own community of authors: Bill Wylie-Kellermann. This letter was designed as specifically “Christian” so that it could serve as a direct counter to groups of “Christian Nationalists” who are calling for much different outcomes in the 2024 elections.


THEN FOURTH, we have a review of Dr. Gushee’s new book about Jesus’ moral teachings by veteran journalist Bill Tammeus. In his review, Tammeus starts by citing the all-time-best-selling author about Christianity’s relevance in our world—C.S. Lewis. Then, Bill makes intriguing comparisons with Gushee’s book. Also, if you read to the end of Tammeus’ column—you will find a couple of other news items of moral concern in our troubled world.

Thanks Bill for your weekly contributions that so thoughtfully inspire and provoke us! If you missed it last week, you’ll also want to read Bill’s column about the legacy of “9/11.” Bill writes about this observance, each year, from the viewpoint of a family member of a loved one who perished that day. To read more of Bill’s reflections on the legacy of 9/11—including Bill’s powerful recommendations for “unplugging” extremism in America—get a copy of his memoir, Love, Loss and Endurance.(If you missed it, you’ll also want to read Bill’s column a week ago about the legacy of “9/11.”)



Holidays & Observances




Planning for Rosh Hashana 5785?

HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS columnist Stephanie Fenton looks ahead to the Jewish High Holidays coming in less than a month from now.


WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS? It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances. Just remember the web address:


Click on this poster to read Ed McNulty’s review of this documentary.

Faith & Film

ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Here are some of Ed’s most recent free reviews and columns:











