This animated film about Lonardo da Vinci focuses upon the last few years of his life when King Francis I became his patron.
Hallelujah: Leonard Cohen, a Journey, a Song (2022)
Filled with admirers like Judy Collins, this doc. looks at the life of Leonard Cohen through his most popular song, the mystical/sensual HALLELUJAH.
Dolly Parton: Here I Am (2019)
The greatness of Dolly Parton as a songwriter is affirmed by numerous stars and experts in this look at her life and career.
Gifted (2017)
On the 1st day of 1st grade Mary’s teacher discovers she is gifted in math, setting off a fight between her uncle raising her & his mother over how to do so–in a normal school as he promised her deceased mother, his sister, or isolated in a school for geniuses.
The parents of a boy chess genius strive to bring balance to the life of their chess genius son so he will not follow in the tragic steps of Bobby Fischer.
The story of Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computers.