The story of the cast of “Cradle Will Rock” & their protest march during the 30s when the FTP play, directed by Orson Welles, was banned for being “Red.”
Alone in Berlin (2016)
A working-class German couple during WW 2 write & distribute around Berlin almost 300 postcard denouncing Hitler and the war–and pay the penalty for their protest.
Suburbicon (2017)
A satire about a white father’s adultery & murder of his wife plot that threatens the life of his son while the neighborhood protests against the black family just moved in next door.
The Women’s Balcony (2016)
Look for this terrific film set in Jerusalem. Click on the image to read my entire review.
Stonewall (2015)
The historic 1969 uprising of the LGBT community at NYC’s Stonewall Inn is told through the fictional story of a naïve HS senior kicked out by his father.