Category Archives: His Lens/My Pen

His Lens/My Pen #6: That’s What Friends Are Soar

Starting 2014 with a tribute to friendship.

Martin and I were in Malibu visiting our son Elliot some years back. The gulls were hunting and pecking, calling and cawing to one another. They must have received the same message simultaneously because seconds later the entire flock was airborne in one raucous swoop.  Martin caught them at just the right moment.

Click on the image to see it in a much larger version.

If you’re new to this His Lens/My Pen series, it’s pretty simple. My husband snaps the shots and I write the words.  Go to and enjoy some of the images you may have missed. Join in this week’s discussion: share a time when you’ve soared with your friends.  Doesn’t have to be now, can be from childhood, too! Make your friends happy today, share this link with them on Facebook! Make them even happier, send them this image as a card. You’ll find it and others from HisLens/MyPen in my new Etsy shop — TheInfinitePeacock.

His Lens/My Pen #5: What the Waves Can Teach Us

2013’s final His Lens/My Pen image was taken in Laguna Beach, California. It was a cool January afternoon. Martin and I found this spot at the end of a neighborhood street. One after another after another, the waves crashed against these boulders, insistent, intrepid, interminable. Looking at the notch they had worn through sheer rock, I realized that’s what we have to do in life: never cease moving forward, never let barriers keep you from getting where you need to go.

If you’re new to this His Lens/My Pen series it’s pretty simple. My husband snaps the shots and I write the words.  Go to and enjoy some of the images you may have missed. Join in this week’s discussion: recall a time when you have worn through sheer rock to get where you needed to go.

This images, and others in the series, are now available as 5×7 greeting cards at my new Etsy Shop — TheInfinitePeacock.  Check it out!




His Lens/My Pen #4: Within a Bamboo Forest

This is the fourth in a monthly series of a new feature called His Lens/My Pen, a collaboration with my husband. He’s the one with the camera; I’m the one with the pen as it were. Ergo His Lens/My Pen.

Last month’s image was a slight deviation from the norm, in that it was my pen and lens. But now we’re back on theme with this photograph of a stand of bamboo we came across in California. Something about how Martin caught the sunlight catches my breath every time I see this shot. I hope your breath catches, too.  When has light broken through the darkness for you? If you missed the first two in the His Lens/My Pen series, click through for some gulls in Santa Monica and for a duck swimming in a shimmering pond

Have a friend or loved one who needs a bit of light breaking through a personal darkness? Send them a note of encouragement. The image Within a Bamboo Forest is available as a greeting card at my Etsy shop — TheInfinitePeacock. Come check it out.

Please feel free to share this with your friends, families, followers. And of course, Facebook, by clicking the blue “f” icon. Stay tuned for next month’s offering from His Lens/My Pen.

His Lens, My Pen #3: A Perspective on Truth

I was in Vanderbilt, Michigan a couple of weeks ago at a yoga retreat, walking along the lake when I snapped this photo.  OK, as followers of this site know, the His Lens/My Pen endeavor is a creative collaboration between my photographer husband (the lens) and your truly as the pen. This is the third image in the series, and our teaming up is the fulfillment of a long-held dream.

But I was solo that weekend, and the shot was just waiting to be captured. He was with me in spirit when clicked the little button on my iPhone screen. Amazing technology. And yes, the lake was that mirror smooth, reflecting the shoreline in perfect symmetry. Only when I slipped my camera back into my pocket did I see that turned vertically the shoreline became a tree trunk and the reflections became a forest. Tilt your head 90 degrees and you’ll see the magic of the shot.

In case you missed them, His Lens/My Pen #1 featured a beach scene of gulls; His Lens/My Pen #2 was a duck swimming in a Monet-like lake. Fourth in the series is still on the drawing board. Look for it the last Monday in November. IN the coming year, we look forward to offering themas greeting and post cards.  But for now, please enjoy this magical image, use it to focus on in mediation and/or just marvel at this magical optical illusion, courtesy of Mother Nature.

Please feel free to share this with your friends, families, followers. And of course, Facebook, by clicking the blue “f” icon. Stay tuned for next month’s offering from His Lens/My Pen.

Are you or a friend or loved one not seeing eye-to-eye? Keeping this photograph within sight might help you both recognize one another’s truths.  The image A Perspective on Truth, and others images in the HisLens/MyPen series are now available as 5×7 greeting cards in my new Etsy Shop — TheInfinitePeacock. Come and browse!

His Lens My Pen: Staying Calm, Serene and Unruffled

This is the second in a monthly series of a new feature called His Lens/My Pen, a collaboration with my husband. He’s the one with the camera; I’m the one with the pen as it were. Ergo His Lens/My Pen. Continuing with the bird theme from last month’s image, Martin took this photograph on a walk we shared in Pasadena. Does it remind you of a Monet watercolor, too? How he captured the shimmery-ness of the water, is beyond me.  But that’s what makes his eye so great. And why it inspires me so.


Enjoy this image in a larger format by clicking anywhere on the photo. You’ll feel like you’re swimming right alongside this peaced-out duck.

Please feel free to share this with your friends, families, followers. And of course, Facebook, by clicking the blue “f” icon. Stay tuned for next month’s offering from His Lens/My Pen. Share this HisLens/MyPen image for real. It is now available as a 5×7 greeting card on my new Etsy Shop — TheInfinitePeacock. Enjoy!

His Lens My Pen: ‘The Pull of Shadow and Surf’

This week I’m introducing a new feature. I’ve long wanted to collaborate with my husband in a creative endeavor, and since he’s the one with the camera and I’m the one with the pen as it were, His Lens/My Pen seems to be the natural intersection. It’s a thrill to be able to see the world as Martin does, to catch glimpses that I would miss but for him. I was somewhere else on the boardwalk when he snapped the photo above and I’m grateful he captured the moment for me to enjoy afterward.

The idea of almost-missed glimpses works both ways, mind you. Since there’s a foot in height difference between us, Martin sees vistas that completely escape my notice. Likewise, I notice things in the course of our hikes that would pass him by if I didn’t point them out—an unusual pattern of sunlight on a scattering of leaves, ground-hugging colorful bugs and lizards, dew gleaming in tiny flower-petal saucers.  In those moments there’s a sweet knowing that what I’ve pointed out will be portrayed in a way I didn’t see, thus becoming new all over again.

Now to the pen part of this collaboration:

I look at Martin’s photos and want to draw from them deeper meaning, to create and share something greater by melding our two halves of self-expression.  And so, this His Lens/My Pen venture: I’ve set for myself the challenge of writing a meditation or observation inspired by some of my favorite images of his. It is my way of praising his unique vision, my way of saying, “I love you and love seeing the world through your eyes.”


Enjoy this image in a larger format by clicking anywhere on the photo. You’ll even see the sea gull’s eyes!


If you have a moment, please feel free to share this with your friends, families, followers. And of course, Facebook by clicking the blue-“f” icon. Even better way to share — this image and others from HisLens/MyPen are now available as 5×7 greeting cards in my new Etsy Shop — TheInfinitePeacock.