Calling all Moms (and Dads): Consider TEOTWAWKI

Click the cover to jump to the book’s Amazon page.Writer Jane Wells is an expert on spiritual connections in the Twilight novels and, recently, she has written about Hunger Games, as well. Jane is a Mom herself and reviews Lisa Bedford’s new book.

Survival Mom
& the rest of us


It may have been a mistake to read Survival Mom: How to Prepare Your Family for Everyday Disasters and Worst-Case Scenarios so hard on the heels of watching The Hunger Games twice.

After writing about The Hunger Games I found myself wondering whether I could feed my family if the economy collapsed, and if I would have the resources to defend them in a kill-or-be-killed situation. Lisa Bedford in Survival Mom says there’s no “could” or “would.” It is a matter of mental peace to know that, if you must, you can.

She starts fairly simply. Keep your gas tank half full—at least—at all times. That way you can get where you need to go.


At $4-per-gallon that seems awfully demanding—until you remember that in the case of a massive power outage or natural disaster it will cost a lot more than that.

Then there’s the water issue. Ugh! I am supposed to keep how many gallons in my tiny house!?!

The whole concept would be completely overwhelming if it weren’t for Lisa’s personable and encouraging voice. For example, each chapter has a mini-glossary. The first chapter includes TEOTWAWKI and Bug Out Bag. TEOTWAWKI is not a Native American word. It is her shorthand for The End Of The World As We Know It. Here is how she defines Bug Out Bag, “everything you need for basic survival packed in the container of your choice: Army duffel bag, plastic bin, Coach backpack—you name it.” If the thought of fleeing from a zombie apocalypse with a Coach bag doesn’t tickle your ironic bone, then maybe you should be eaten.

She takes great care to emphasize that this is not the time to panic. Take your time. Be intentional. Include your kids, but don’t scare them. Lisa recommends reading the biblical story of Joseph to your children and discussing how Joseph’s foresight saved not only the nation of Egypt, but many other people as well.

Over all, I highly recommend Survival Mom.

My husband and I have begun discussing what steps we should take.

Just in case.

Want more from Jane Wells on Twilight?

Jane is the author of Glitter in the Sun, a Bible-study based on connections between Christianity and themes in the Twilight novels. She has found many connections, but according to Jane, the single biggest connection is: Love. For all of its supernatural trappings, the series has sold well over 100 million copies worldwide because of the compelling quality of the immortal love story at its heart. At the heart of Christian conversion is the search for God’s eternal love, Jane writes. Also, you can meet Jane in our author interview and learn more about this lively form of Bible study.

Originally published at, an online magazine covering religion and cultural diversity.

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