From Rabbi Bob Alper: ‘And, I’ll take a side of laughter with that, too, please.’

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Letters to America


One way I’ve tried to fight the effects of this pandemic is to send out daily Quick Laugh videos. I started in late March. To create the clips for these daily emails, I edited video of some 90 original bits and jokes from my standup comedy act. I figured that after I posted all of these short clips, things surely would have returned to some semblance of normal.

Wrong! So, I repeated all 90. And, 180 days into the series, we’re still housebound.

Then, I heard that my fellow Vermonter and cartoonist Harry Bliss had collaborated with Steve Martin—yes, that Steve Martin—on a book of cartoons, A Wealth of PigeonsOf course, I know Martin. For years, I appeared on stage in my stand-up comedy act with him.

Well, at least I appeared on stage with a blow-up photo of him to show how much we’re alike.

Turns out, we both also love cartoons—and neither of us can draw.

Years ago, I beat him to the punch on this collaborative idea. I created A Rabbi Confesses, collaborating with the sensational cartoonist, the late Jack Lindstrom.

So, now that I’ve run—and rerun—all my Quick Laugh videos, I’m going to start sharing daily cartoons from that collection with my email subscribers.

If you haven’t already signed up for my Quick Laugh emails—go to my website and sign up in the box right there on the front page. You’ll start getting daily cartoons.

That is, until I run out of those.

Then? I’ll repeat the videos again. The fact is, I laugh each time I see them, even after performing the material hundreds of times. So I hope you, too, will experience some tension-relieving laughter when seeing an “old friend” piece of comedy rather than a brand new item.

So, if you’re just discovering this offer, this week: Hey, you’ve got 50 cartoons and 90 videos coming your way.

And that’s some something to look forward to each morning, isn’t it?





VISIT BOB’S WEBSITE where you can check out his upcoming appearances as well as his various books, two CDs and his DVD.

VISIT BOB’S AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE where you can order a copy of his books Thanks. I Needed That. and Life Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This.



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