FROM AMONG THE 13 INDIGENOUS GRANDMOTHERS, above, Flordemayo (third from right) appears on “Global Spirit.”Global Spirit TV series picked up by PBS
Over the past year, ReadTheSpirit has recommended the Global Spirit TV series—and we have streamed some of the new episodes right here at our website. Today, Global Spirit has announced that PBS has recommended the series to regional public TV stations, an important new doorway for the series to a potentially larger audience nationwide.
Watch show here Sunday, Nov 14, 6 pm Pacific, 9 pm Eastern
Inuit teacher Angaangaq from Greenland.HOW TO WATCH: You can watch the episode live in the final video screen you’ll see on this page. At broadcast time, that video screen will go “live.” Tune in from your computer! (Or, we also provide a direct link to Justin.TV’s home site to watch the series.)
New Title: “The Shaman, the Spirit Healer & the Earth”
The newest show from “Global Spirit” is a conversation featuring two indigenous teachers from two different corners of the Earth. Flordemayo was born in Central America. Angaangaq comes from Greenland.
Want to know more about Flordemayo? Here is her personal website. You also can find out about some of her spiritual activism at the website for the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers. Flordemayo is in the photo, above. She’s the third woman from the right.
Want to know more about Angaangaq? Here is his personal page within the “IceWisdom” website.
More Native American wisdom?
ReadTheSpirit Books publishes another Native teacher’s memoir: “Dancing My Dream,” by Warren Petoskey. Warren’s book warns about many of the same issues raised by Flordemayo and Angaangaq.
See a preview of Flordemayo and Angaangaq now:
You should see a preview video screen, below, where you can see these two teachers visiting a grove of ancient trees. If you don’t see a video screen in your version of this story, you can visit YouTube to see the clip.
Watch “The Shaman, the Spirit Healer & the Earth” right here:
The final video screen on this webpage won’t go live until broadcast time. Then, you can watch the show right here in the convenience of the ReadTheSpirit website. If you don’t see a video screen below on your computer, you also can click here to visit the Justin TV site directly and view the episode.
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