Here’s a little about Dr. Gail Hayes’ life and work — as she describes herself on her own Web sites —
WHEN HER OWN CHILDREN faced bullying
at school, Gail Hayes decided to do something about it.
Rather than
initially reporting the incidents to the school, Hayes (who helps adults
deal with confrontation and relationship management in the workplace)
took a different approach. She coached her children in confronting the
students involved with positive results. Their new approach to the problem empowered the
children and turned the bullies into friends.
After seeing how this changed the school atmosphere,
she created several programs for children, including the Don’t Give
Your Power Away and the Powerful, Awesome, Intelligent Communicators
(PAIC) programs.
A military brat, Hayes lived
in the Far East for more than four years and in Europe for more than ten. She
also served as the first African American female law enforcement officer
in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Her experiences allow her to relate to diverse groups
and she enjoys helping others understand and use experiences to build
bridges to overcome and understand differences.
The eldest of seven children, she grew up creating stories to keep
her younger siblings entertained. She wrote and illustrated her first
book at age 11 and won a school writing contest with her work.
Over the years, she has shared the stage with children’s education legends like Mr. McFeely from “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” and Lionel from “Between the Lions.” She is also a presenter in educational settings for children, educators and parents alike.
Her clients have included the Durham Public Schools, the University of North Carolina’s (UNC-TV) Public Educational Television, North Carolina Central University, Clemson University, and the US Army and Air Force.
In many parts of the U.S., you can hear her every Monday on the syndicated radio program, “The KD Bowe Morning Show.” Among her books is “Daughters of the King” and her pieces appear in anthologies and parenting publications.
To help counter many of the negative messages that bombard children today, she created a number of programs to empower young people.
She created the Precious! Pretty! Powerful!™ Girls Book Club. She believes that if girls are given the tools they need to fight negative peer pressure and self abuse, then they will thrive and become catalysts for positive change.
Visit her websites for more information:
You can contact her at:
Dr. Gail Hayes
P.O. Box 71017
Durham, NC 27722
Email her at:
[email protected]