When you walk into a bookstore … where do you go?

We’re expanding ReadTheSpirit in coming months to help you find more of the resources you need and enjoy. Now, we’d like you to help us in the expansion process! On Monday, we asked readers 5 questions. A few readers Commented on the page; most Emailed in their comments.
TODAY, we’ve got another question …

Readers Told Us:
In a bookstore,
we look for …

HERE ARE just some of the reader responses we received this week about favorite authors and favorite destinations in a bookstore …

Sections on Bible, Caregiving, Children’s Books, Cooking, Coping, Mysteries, Pets, Prayer, Religion, Spirituality, Travel, Young Adults.

Rob Bell, Marcus Borg, Frederick Buechner, Joan Chittister, Deepak Chopra, Shane Claiborne, Paul Coelho, Rodney Curtis, Bart Ehrman, Irving (Yitz) Greenberg, Philip Gulley, Thich Nhat Hanh, Elizabeth Johnson, Sue Monk Kidd, Anne Lamott, Brian McLaren, Stephen Mitchell, John Philip Newell, Kathleen Norris, John Polkinghorne, Benjamin Pratt, Richard Rohr, Barbara Brown Taylor, Eckhart Tolle, Desmond Tutu, N.T. Wright.

Isabel Allende, Maya Angelou, Margaret Atwood, Jean Auel, Dan Brown, Pema Chodron, J.M. Coetzee, Billy Collins, William Gibson, Malcolm Gladwell, John Gottman, John Grisham, Sarah Gruen, Barbara Kingsolver, Milan Kundera, David McCullough, Stephenie Meyer, Joyce Meyer, Caroline Myss, Jamie Oliver, Chuck Palahniuk, James Patterson, Philip Roth, J.K. Rowling, Miguel Ruiz, Joyce Rupp, Alice Sebold.

Ray Bradbury, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Albert Einstein, Robert Frost, Dag Hammarskjold, Hermann Hesse, Stanislaw Lem, C.S. Lewis, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Henry Nouwen, Carl Sagan, Robert Thurman, J.R.R. Tolkien.

What do you look for when
you walk into a bookstore?

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