Cover Story: Urgent plea from Jim Wallis on ‘America’s Original Sin’


WHY RACISM IS OUR ORIGINAL SIN—In our first major author interview of 2016, ReadTheSpirit Editor David Crumm talks to Sojourners‘ Jim Wallis about an urgent new book he is publishing this month—America’s Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege and the Bridge to a New America. And, yes, there is hope and practical wisdom within these pages! Order the book now from Amazon and it will arrive on the release date of January 19.



DON’T MISS A HOLIDAY! Just remember this simple Web address to find all of the upcoming holidays, festivals and anniversaries.

ARE YOU READY TO HONOR DR. KING? Jim Wallis’s new book on racism in America is scheduled to release in conjunction with Dr. King’s birthday this year. Of course, ReadTheSpirit has a rich array of King resources, starting with …

THE HOLIDAY—Stephanie Fenton reports on the national holiday, which was signed into law in 1983 but wasn’t celebrated in all 50 states until 2000. And there’s much more to enjoy here …


GO FLY A KITE! One of India’s oldest holiday traditions unfolds in mid January—welcoming spring! Holidays columnist Stephanie Fenton reports on Makar Sankranti, an ancient custom that looks to the stars for signs that the world is growing lighter again. Customs now vary by regions, including sweets and beautiful traditional symbols, but by far the most popular form of celebration is flying kites.

Stephanie also includes in that column a news item about the Sikh festival of Mela Maghi.





WANT PEACE? HELP BIAS BUSTERS—The Bias Busters program at the Michigan State University School of Journalism is courageously stepping into the nationwide wave of anti-Muslim bigotry by reducing the price of the Bias Busters guidebook on understanding Muslim-Americans to 99 cents. Learn about this effort, spearheaded by MSU’s Joe Grimm and his students. Their guide is recommended nationally by a top editor at The Huffington Post.




One of our guiding principles: Good media builds good community. What does that mean? Enjoy these stories …

3 LIVES LINKED IN LIFE AND DEATHGodSigns author Suzy Farbman tells readers about the recently published reflections of psychologist Dr. Peter Lichtenberg. He writes about experiencing grief twice in his life after the untimely death of two wives: “Sadly, I am among the unlucky few in modern times who have suffered bereavement not only as a young man, but in middle age as well.” Suzy tells the story of these three, in brief, then links to Peter’s entire memoir—a lengthy column he posted online about life, death and lessons he has learned.


Peacemakers …

REDISCOVER HOPE—Daniel Buttry’s inspiring new book We Are the Socks is full of true stories about men and women who risked pursuing peace even in the face of enormous challenges around the world. Read about Dan’s adventure in writing this new book. And, in a short video, Dan tells the surprising story behind the title.

INTERFAITH PEACEMAKERS—You’ll enjoy more than 100 stories of men and women who dared to cross boundaries in Buttry’s main website: InterfaithPeacemakers



GREAT GIFT FOR MOVIE FANS—Do you enjoy making connections between faith and film? Veteran-faith-and-film writer Edward McNulty’s brand new book—”Jesus Christ, Movie Star.”—is a lots of fun and it’s inspiring as well!

ALL THE MOVIES—Looking for great choices? First, is a treasure trove of free movie reviews by Edward McNulty. Also, check out the current issue of his Visual Parables Journal.
