ARE YOU READY TO HONOR DR. KING? Jim Wallis’s new book on racism in America is scheduled to release in conjunction with Dr. King’s birthday this year. Of course, ReadTheSpirit has a rich array of King resources, starting with …
THE HOLIDAY—Stephanie Fenton reports on the national holiday, which was signed into law in 1983 but wasn’t celebrated in all 50 states until 2000. And there’s much more to enjoy here …
- PROFILE—Daniel Buttry writes about Dr. King’s life.
- ‘I HAVE A DREAM’—In 2013, we published this column about the famous 1963 speech.
- THE LEGACY—Also in 2013, sociologist Dr. Wayne Baker published this five-part series assessing how far Americans have come since that famous speech. That 2013 reporting still reflects current disparities.
- FEED THE SPIRIT—Desiree Cooper writes about one of Dr. King’s favorite foods: sweet potato pie.
- THE MOVIE—Edward McNulty wrote this review of the recent movie, Selma.
- QUOTES—Over at the Goodreads website, readers have compiled more than 500 quotations from Dr. King. Or, check out The Independent’s selection of nine quotes from Dr. King that echo powerfully today (along with a King slide show produced by the UK newspaper).
DON’T MISS A HOLIDAY! Just remember this simple Web address to find all of the upcoming holidays, festivals and anniversaries.
CENTURY-OLD TRADITION—For more than a century, Christians have been urged to spend a week praying for unity in their deeply divided worldwide faith. Holidays columnist Stephanie Fenton reports on the custom—and points out some helpful web links for the occasion.
NEW YEAR OF THE TREES—Plan ahead if you care to take part in this Jewish observance: the new year of the trees. Stephanie Fenton explains the tradition.
One of our guiding principles: Good media builds good community. What does that mean? Enjoy these stories …
TRAVEL TO PANAMA WITH RODNEY—The latest column from author and photographer Rodney Curtis features a series of remarkable photographs from his recent journey to Panama. Come on, it’s well worth a moment to view these images. As Arctic winds throw much of the U.S. into the deep freeze, this little adventure will make you smile … warmly.
ART AND FAMILY—Know what the image is with this news item? It’s a new wallpaper design. And, author and columnist Debra Darvick uses this design’s debut to reflect on her family—because her daughter Emma is the creator of this new line, which is mentioned in Vogue.
AN APPLE RENAISSANCE? Bobbie Lewis, our FeedTheSpirit columnist, writes about the bumper crop of new apple varieties that seem to be gracing our markets. And, she includes a yummy recipe for apple muffins!
HELP BIAS BUSTERS—The Bias Busters program at the Michigan State University School of Journalism is courageously stepping into the nationwide wave of anti-Muslim bigotry. Learn about this effort, spearheaded by MSU’s Joe Grimm and his students.
REDISCOVER HOPE—Daniel Buttry’s inspiring new book We Are the Socks is full of true stories about men and women who risked pursuing peace in the face of enormous challenges. Read about Dan’s adventure in writing this book. And, in a short video, Dan tells the surprising story behind the title.
INTERFAITH PEACEMAKERS—You’ll enjoy more than 100 stories of men and women who dared to cross boundaries in Buttry’s main website: InterfaithPeacemakers.
GREAT GIFT FOR MOVIE FANS—Do you enjoy making connections between faith and film? Veteran-faith-and-film writer Edward McNulty’s brand new book—”Jesus Christ, Movie Star.”—is a lots of fun and it’s inspiring as well!
FIRST ISSUE OF 2016—For complete study guides to many popular movies, check out the current issue of his Visual Parables Journal.
- YOUTH—If you like Michael Caine, Harvey Keitel and the thoughtful work of Italian director Paolo Sorrentino, Ed McNulty says: Don’t miss it! (5 out of 5 stars)
- JOY—Ed also recommends the wonderful performances by the ensemble cast in Joy. (4.5 out of 5 stars)
- THE REVENANT—It’s refreshing, Ed writes, to see so many myths of the “Old West” swept away in this bold new drama. (4.5 stars.)
- CAROL—This unusual love story by Patricia Highsmith has been turned into a powerful film by Todd Haynes. (5 stars)
- THE BIG SHORT—It’s a bumpy ride as the financial crisis of 2008 becomes a sometimes bitterly funny movie. (4 stars)
- THE 33—A thrilling survival story of the miners trapped in Chile—and an indictment of corporate greed. (4 stars)
- SPOTLIGHT—No question: It’s a deeply troubling true story. But, Spotlight—the story of the Boston Globe‘s investigation into abusive priests—is an important movie. (5 stars)
- IN THE HEART OF THE SEA—This movie related to Moby Dick is stirring storytelling with lots of Hollywood special effects to make the epic tale come to life. (4 stars)