Cover Story: What are you building this spring?

How about a new home?

COVER STORY—Author Lynne Golodner tells the moving story of a US Army veteran and her daughters who simply couldn’t manage a home of their own until Habitat for Humanity stepped in. And that’s not all! A host of other groups chimed in with labor and other forms of love and support. Read Lynne’s story, share it with others—and think about this: What can you build this spring? Let Lynne’s story inspire you and your friends.

WHERE IS YOUR PURPLE? Author Benjamin Pratt takes a step outdoors and finds himself bathed in the purple of spring. It’s such an important step to take for winter-weary caregivers, he writes.

  • AND, IT’S ALL SO TIMELY! As Holidays columnist Stephanie Fenton reports, May is Physical Fitness and Sports month (a time when we’re all urged to get active outdoors) and this is Older Americans Month (this year’s theme is Get into the Act by volunteering where you live).


ARE BAD ROADS GOOD FOR US?—University of Michigan sociologist Wayne Baker is fascinated that Michigan voters overwhelmingly voted against a tax increase to pave the state’s roads—even though Michigan has the words roads in the U.S. Somehow, he writes, there must be something good about bad roads?


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THE HEROES—Find more than 100 stories at


1,200 is a treasure trove of faith-and-film reviews by Edward McNulty. Today, we publish the May issue of Visual Parables Journal, the monthly magazine Ed and his team have sold to subscribers for many years, packed with study guides for individual reflection or small group discussion.

FAITH GOES POP—The expansive mind of columnist Ken Chitwood brings us a truly cosmos-spanning column under the headline “Special SPORTS Extra Edition.” Ken is both a religious studies scholar and journalist and serves up news items including: Star Wars Icons, Rubgy’s “Honey Badger,” How Jesus Is Saving Prime Time—and the Hip Hop Last Supper.


“STORIES that shape your life” is a core theme at ReadTheSpirit. We’re inviting you to take part!


Good media builds healthy communities …

GOOD FOOD FOR REAL PEOPLE—Bobbie Lewis devotes her FeedTheSpirit column this week to the brothers Max and Eli Sussman, who have become celebrity chefs by helping “real people” learn to cook good food.

AUTHORS CONNECT—Many of the authors we feature in our Cover Stories are intentionally connecting men and women every day. A terrific example is the Rev. Martha Spong, who talks with us about the 52 women who share real-life stories in There’s a Woman in the Pulpit. Martha’s organization RevGalBlogPals connects hundreds of women writing about ministry.

BOB ALPER—The author of Life Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This continues to criss-cross the nation and will perform next at Congregation Ahavas Israel in Grand Rapids, MI, on May 17th.


‘END THE SUFFERING’—The new video by Ken Wilson and the Third Way Newsletter team drew more than 1,000 viewers in its first 48 hours online—just by online word of mouth. Today we’re recommending: If you care about LGBT inclusion in churches—please watch this video, too, and share it with friends. The is part of the changing Christian landscape that is welcoming diverse men and women.

DR. DAVID GUSHEE—The author of Changing Our Mind continues writing, including this helpful column about “Civility and Tolerance” in the Baptist Global News website.
