Right now, you can help! Here’s how thousands are LIFTING CITIES in Prayer

Yes, your prayer can help—wherever you live around the world!
    Together, we can lift the spirits of our cities and energize people to revive our communities. (Here is one city’s model you could follow.)

IN DETROIT 2008 and 2009:
    WE GATHERED! In September, each year, men and women gathered from a broad array of traditions and hometowns across southeast Michigan to pray for the core community of Detroit—Michigan’s central city.
    Our 2009 co-chairs are the Rev. Kenneth Flowers, pastor of Greater New Mount Moriah Baptist Church, and the Rev. Tonya Arnesen, pastor of Metropolitan, a United Methodist church. Both are committed to building religiously diverse communities. (Click on their names to read their inspiring stories.)

News on Prayers in Chicago area: About 100 religious leaders and lay people gathered for a special “Sweet Hour Walk of Prayer” in the city of Harvey in Cook County on the south side of Chicago. VISIT ReadTheSpirit.com on TUESDAY September 22 for news and photos from that prayer walk.

Want a Lift Detroit in Prayer shirt? A creative supporter of the project designed a yellow, red and black shirt to promote prayer for the city. You can view the shirt here and order your own if you’d like.

Want a Lift Detroit in Prayer bumper sticker? Send us an Email and explain why you’d like to display a bumper sticker—and we’ll mail one to you. (Remember to include your U.S. Mail address.)

Want to read inspiring stories about prayer?
    We’ve got ’em!
    HOW TO APPROACH PRAYER: Psychologist and spiritual counselor Dr. Robert J. Wicks has written several new books about overcoming life’s rising tide of stress. Here’s an in-depth interview with Dr. Wicks about “Prayerfulness,” his new nuts-and-bolts book for people who want to improve their prayer lives.
    PRAYER for CITIES AROUND THE WORLD: We asked college students to pray for cities they love around the world. Here are some of their inspiring words. “Praying with Young People for Cities around the World.
    DOES PRAYER WORK? National Public Radio’s Barbara Bradley Hagerty writes about her own quest for answers about the impact of faith and prayer—in a new book, “Fingerprints of God.” Here’s an interview with Barbara Bradley Hagerty in which we ask about her findings, including the question: Does prayer work?

QUESTIONS: Email us at [email protected]


    By fall 2008, people were praying across North America. They were praying in Canada—in Calgary, Alberta—all the way down to the tip of the American South in the Florida Keys.
    Some people adapted the idea to focus on “communities” other than cities: Union College in Kentucky hosted a campus-wide prayer campaign for the betterment of students and faculty. And, folks living in
Alabama’s Wiregrass region lifted their grassland community in
    Here’s a link to the high-spirited story we published after the big rally in Detroit last year. It may inspire you to take part this year.

    STAY TUNED TO THIS RESOURCE PAGE FOR UPDATES. We will add information to this site throughout the summer.

    We always invite you to TELL US WHAT YOU THINK. Tell us especially if you plan to participate where you live! We want to share these good-news stories. Email ReadTheSpirit Editor David Crumm—or, we’re also reachable on Facebook, Twitter, Amazon and other social-networking sites. Search for “David Crumm” on those sites and you should find us.

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