100 Questions and Answers about American Jews

“100 Questions and Answers About American Jews with a Guide to Jewish Holidays” is part of the Michigan State University School of Journalism series on cultural competence.

This guide has sections culture, language, religions, social norms, politics, history, politics, families and food.

The guide is written for those who want quick answers to very basic, introductory questions abut Jewish Americans. It does not go in-depth. It is intended for people in business, schools, places of worship, government, medicine, human resources and journalism who want to get a fast grounding. The guide suggests resources for those who then want to go into greater depth.

Questions include:

What is the significance of the small, circular cap some Jewish men wear?
Are Jews a race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, culture or a people?
How are Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews different?
How is Zionism different from Judaism?
How many Jewish Holocaust survivors are alive today?
Why does it seem like there are so many Jewish holidays?

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