Table of Contents

I. Getting Started
1. Measuring Our Spirit
2. Using This Book
II. Telling Our Story
3. Talking Honestly; Listening Intently
4. Risking Love
5. Weighing Costs and Promises
6. Appreciating Time, Fragile Time
III. Living in Community
7. Finding Community
8. Joining Support Groups
9. Savoring Solitude
10. Admitting We Can’t Do It Alone
IV. Rediscovering Joy through Body and Spirit / Practices for the Body
11. Paying Attention to Your Body
12. Appreciating Physical Presence
13. Balancing Our Labor
14. Singing
V. Rediscovering Joy through Body and Spirit / Practices for the Spirit
15. Praying
16. Carrying Words with You
17. Journaling
18. Enjoying Poetry
19. Grieving
20. Thanking
21. Laughing
22. Blessing
VI. Resources
23. Forming a Group
24. Understanding Burnout and Accidie
25. Reading to Revive the Soul
About the Author