August, 2017 Archives

Ashes to Water

August 17th, 2017

Returning my aunt and uncle to their favorite spot

On a mirror-calm bay, on a see-forever day, we scattered my aunt and uncle’s ashes. They died within months of each other over the past year and we took them back to northern Canada, to the cottage they built so long ago.

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El Sharpino

August 4th, 2017

An old friend is new again.


The email started out innocuously enough.

“Curtis, word on the street is that you will barnstorm through our hamlet soon.”

Yes, true. I was headed to San Francisco to see my good buddy & former college roommate, Kurt. But this wasn’t from him.

“I doubt you want to do this after a long flight, but I’ll throw it out there anyway.”

Hmmm … okay.

“I’m getting a “routine” colonoscopy and need someone to chaperone me home.” Read More…

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