December, 2009 Archives

My top 10 of other people’s top ten lists

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December 21st, 2009

    Being misunderstood is one of blogging’s top ten biggest hazards. I’m told that my tongue-in-cheek carbon offsets sale made some people think I was asking for money. I actually was asking for money, but only from large, multi-national corporations with guilty consciences.     One of the other hazards is the year-end, Top Ten list. […]

    Being misunderstood is one of blogging’s top ten biggest hazards. I’m told that my tongue-in-cheek carbon offsets sale made some people think I was asking for money. I actually was asking for money, but only from large, multi-national corporations with guilty consciences.

    One of the other hazards is the year-end, Top Ten list. Yes, we are all naturally prone to produce such lists, particularly as the decade wraps up. So in order to look trendy and feel like I’m part of something larger, I’m offering up my own Top Ten List of other people’s Top 10 Lists.

    And as a side note to the authors of these masterful lists, thank you for making this season a jolly holiday. As payment I can offer you carbon offset certificates for the low, low price of …

    The top ten most fascinating urinals

    The top ten uses for navel lint   

    The top ten moments caught on Google street view   

    The top ten weird beards   

    The top ten worst cities for rats in 2009   

    The top ten clothes you never thought existed   

    The top ten grocery lists   

    The top ten dumb ways to catch on fire   

    The top ten conservative idiots    

    The top ten Bulgarian search engines

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My favorite photos from 2009

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December 11th, 2009

    While soaking in the tub, (sorry about the imagery burning your brain), I thought, “Hey I’m a photographer. How come I don’t post more pictures on my blog?” Since I didn’t have any meaningful words to share with the class, I figured you may enjoy some pictures I took in 2009. You can click […]

    While soaking in the tub, (sorry about the imagery burning your brain), I thought, “Hey I’m a photographer. How come I don’t post more pictures on my blog?” Since I didn’t have any meaningful words to share with the class, I figured you may enjoy some pictures I took in 2009. You can click on the shots to make them a little bigger if you’d like.

In Jamaica for a wedding of our good friends Darrel and Leslie, Skye watched the setting sun from a cabana.

Every time I’ve mowed my lawn in the past, I’ve looked at the big blank screen on the side of my house and thought “why not?” This past summer I finally made my musings meaningful.

My daughter and brother have been sledding all their lives. But Jo-Jo, my niece, and May, my sister-in-law, were experiencing it for the first time. Oh by the way, I should have warned them that you can’t really steer those things, kids.

Yeah, you’ve seen this one before, but here it sits in my “Best Of” section. Adam and Alison were an amazing and fun couple!

Vancouver has some incongruous sites right outside of town including this suspension bridge over a gorge just minutes from downtown. Taylor wasn’t nearly as nervous as I was!

I think my neighbor’s bush was stalking me.

Yeah, you saw this one before too. But the Motor City Casino was a panoply of color. Panoply Rodney, really? 

Remember Darrel and Leslie in Jamaica whom I mentioned earlier? Aren’t they a gorgeous couple?

Future shock? Marci actually brought a thrift store wedding dress down to Jamaica to have fun with and trash if she could convince Leslie to jump into the ocean. Instead, our daughter Skye wore it and struck an eerily grown up pose.

Maura, one of my brides, gets some hoist help before her wedding this summer. I think this is the last of my wedding shots.

I did a freelance gig for TechTown in Detroit and happened upon this woman whose profile just begged to be — what we photographers call — photographed.

Sorry Tim, I just had to use this shot of you just waking up after spending the night in our basement before your cousin’s wedding. Wait, Grand dad got around… she’s not your cousin, she’s your niece even though she’s older than you, right? No, no, I got it all mixed up. Your mom is my aunt even though she’s almost the same age as my brothers.

Skye loves to flip convention on its ear. And here’s the weird thing, she didn’t even take this boy to prom.

My cousin and buddy Chris contemplates his inner and outer fire during our family reunion in Tobermory, Canada. My new-used camera with the CMOS sensor bought from the cop on Craigslist  is wonderful for low light. Thanks Nikon! (Please send me my free D3X now. I think my plug is worth seven grand).

Oh Grandma, Grandma, even into your 90s you’ve still got it!

Skye designed this puking pumpkin for Halloween. I looked at it and thought, “Oh my gourd!”

I call this photo “Cake Walk.” I shot it back at the Free Press when our reporter brought me a cake to photograph for her shopping column. I stepped back from my table-top background and couldn’t stop laughing when I saw this scene.

I doubt it was Swine Flu, but it was definitely the Skye Flu which kept her from even eating her soup as she dozed off into her Kleenex box at the dinner table.

It’s tough being a Lions fan these past couple of years.

Oh wait, here’s another of my favorite wedding shots. Adam carried Alison down onto the beach for the photo way up there on my blog. Dig her shoes? Great couple; I think I mentioned that.

And there you have it, my favorite shots from 2009. Thanks for your patience. Very soon they’re getting me a blog that displays pictures a lot better so stay tuned. Now bring me some figgy pudding.

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