More About Bullying

What is new about bullying?

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Bullying has changed. It’s escaped the confines of school locker rooms and hallways and roams free through text messaging, video games and social networks.

It’s become far harder to track down, but there is good news. In some ways, bullying has become more visible. Celebrities have begun speaking about their own experiences with bullies. Video games have been made on the subject. YouTube is filled with anti-bullying videos.

Many states have passed anti-bullying laws.

But most importantly: people are talking about this issue. The New Bullying exposes the latest and strangest in harassment, but also provides tools and methods to fight back, both for parents and children.

  • Being Bullied
  • Cyberbullying Laws
  • College Hazing
  • Adult Bullying
  • Bullying Statistics