ReadTheSpirit Cover Story: Barbara Brown Taylor’s new ‘Holy Envy’ is a pilgrimage exploring our neighbors’ religious riches


Click Barbara’s photo to read our Cover Story.

‘HOLY ENVY’—At a time when millions of Americans are afraid of their neighbors, Barbara Brown Taylor’s new book invites us to take a pilgrimage through the spiritual wonders in our neighbors’ religious traditions. Based on her two decades of teaching Religion 101 at Piedmont College in Georgia, Barbara now is sharing some of her best, real-life stories with students. And, what an amazing opportunity it must have been for these young men and women! They were treated to a best-selling author and internationally known Christian teacher as their guide, accompanying them as they took their first steps toward discovering the richness of other cultures and faiths.

As readers of this new book, Barbara is inviting us to look over her students’ shoulders in her classes and to join in their on-site visits. What we discover, along with her students, are spiritual wonders that are likely to leave us wanting more. That’s why Barbara calls this latest book, Holy Envy—Finding God in the Faith of Others. Please, enjoy our Cover Story about this wonderful memoir—which also includes a new interview with the author.



Blue Bird of Happiness?
Try a Prothonotary Warbler

MARTIN DAVIS INVITES US TO MEET some unusual birds—and to learn some remarkable new facts about the “ordinary” birds we see everyday in our neighborhoods. Each month, Martin writes a column about spiritual insights into our world. Since he began writing for our online magazine just a few months ago, he already has attracted loyal readers. As you begin reading this April column, it may seem to be about bird watching, but Martin soon takes us further afield. And, that’s a very timely spiritual insight. Pew Research tells us that even among Americans who say they have no religious affiliation—58 percent say they often feel a deep connection with nature and the earth. And please, share this new column with friends.



Click on this photo to read about Easter.


HOLY WEEK for Western Christians: Stephanie Fenton writes about Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and the Easter Vigil. Eastern Christians are observing the season one week later, this year.

EASTER: Stephanie’s column circles the globe! Writing about the U.S., Stephanie tells us: “Hot cross buns, chocolate bunnies and brunch soufflé fill tables and baskets of plenty on this joyous holiday, as families and friends gather to mark this, the focal point of the Christian calendar. Lilies adorn altar spaces and remind churchgoers of resurrection.”


FAMILIES ARE PLANNING for the seder gatherings that mark the first two nights of Passover on April 19 and 20 this year. Stephanie Fenton’s column is packed with fascinating stories (and recipes as well) for our Jewish—and especially for our non-Jewish—readers. Want to greet Jewish friends, neighbors or co-workers? Stephanie explains what is appropriate. Might someone invite you to a seder? You can learn about what’s in store and look forward to the occasion.


This spring, Muslim families also are making preparations for the many changes they will experience in the fasting month of Ramadan. This observance follows a lunar calendar and continues to move “earlier” each year. In addition, the start of Ramadan often varies, based on sightings of the moon around the world. The best estimate of the starting evening in 2019 is Monday, May 5—with the first full day of fasting on Monday, May 6.


VAISAKI WORLDWIDE—Stephanie Fenton’s Vaisaki (sometimes spelled Baisahki) column circles the globe. From Salt Lake City and Dublin to the heart of India, families with roots in India. As Stephanie explains, in India, Vaisakhi holds varying meanings in different regions.

JAINS CELEBRATE APRIL 17Jains greet one of the most significant days of their calendar year: Mahavir Jayanti, the birth anniversary of the final and most important Tirthankar, Mahavira.

Want to see all the upcoming Holidays & Festivals? Visit



HERE’S A HINT—Rodney Curtis is on Zak’s list. Click this book cover to read Zak’s full column.

Got Cancer?
Need a Dose of Hope?

WE CAN HELP—This week, we got a special salute from Australian journalist Zak Parker, who published an online guide to 12 of the best books available for providing a dose of hope to families facing cancer. As Zak puts it: “Raise your fighting chances against cancer by learning all that is known about how it acts, develops and what actions you could take that might prevent it. Get to know all there is to know about cancer by reading these books.” Then, among his dozen recommendations are three of our books! Read Zak’s column at the online magazine Fupping to learn which three books made his cut.



Is Your Work Protected?

A QUICK GUIDE TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTIONSThis week in our Front Edge Publishing column, Susan Stitt answers some of the most common questions we get from writers, including: Do I need copyright protection? How do I apply for a copyright? How much does it cost? How long does it last? And, did you know that the duration of copyrights has changed dramatically over time? Susan has the answers, plus helpful links so you can find the official version of this information from the U.S. Copyright office. This is a column you’re likely to want to bookmark—and share with writer friends.



Faith & Film

FAITH & FILM FOR LENT (HOLY WEEK)—Ed McNulty continues his day-by-day Lenten reflections on great films. Click on the image to read this week’s daily suggestions.

ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work is freely published. Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journal, a monthly magazine packed with discussion guides to films. This resource is used coast-to-coast by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.

Among Ed’s free reviews and columns are:








