Cover Story: Gustavo Parajón shows us the art and courage of peacemaking

His courage was astonishing,
then his empathy built communities

OUR WORLD DESPERATELY NEEDS TO LEARN FROM PEACEMAKERS! That’s why our publishing house is launching: Healing the World—Gustavo Parajón, Public Health and Peacemaking Pioneer. In this inspiring, true biography, readers will meet this seemingly ordinary fellow who stepped into situations that the most courageous warrior would fear—except that Gustavo Parajón was armed with his faith in his God-given talent to defuse confrontation with empathy.

TAKE HEART: This week, our Cover Story is a 3-minute video in which co-author Daniel Buttry tells about one such confrontation—and how Gustavo turned it into a moment of communal grace. Stay tuned, because we will be sharing more videos about Parajon’s remarkable and daring life in coming weeks.

THE TAKE AWAY: Yes, peace is possible, if we act together as Parajon did. Please support this effort to spread Gustavo Parajón’s wisdom around the world. Readers in North America, Central America and Europe already are pre-ordering copies via Amazon. Please join them and you’ll discover a wise model for overcoming our fears and building healthy relationships. Then, consider discussing this book with your small group.


Holidays and Festivals

What star are you following?

OUR LONG-TIME FRIEND, JOURNALIST JUDITH VALENTE shares this Advent-season reflection that explores wise questions raised by spiritual sages. Please enjoy and share this column with others.


AND THE LATIN-AMERICAN FESTIVAL OF LOS POSADASwhich celebrates the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem, is back in full swing now that pandemic limitations have been lifted. Holidays & Festival columnist Stephanie Fenton has the story along with links to delicious holiday recipes.


The Lights of Hanukkah soon will glow

RABBI LENORE BOHM explores the Jewish legacy of greetings for holidays, festivals and special occasions in our life. Perhaps, she argues, “Happy” isn’t the most meaningful word to choose.


STEPHANIE FENTON writes about Hanukkah custom and, as always, provides links to DIY crafts you can enjoy at home as well as delicious recipes. One link points to 14 different latke recipes!



IN THIS HOLIDAY SEASON, PLEASE check out our 2022 Holiday Gift Guide featuring great choices for Hanukkah and Christmas giving. If you act now, there’s still time to receive these books to make your friends and loved ones smile at the holidays.


WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS?—It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances. Just remember the web address:


And more from our community of writers—

From Suzy Farbman

A family story of love and resilience

THIS WEEK IN HER GOD-SIGNS COLUMN, Suzy Farbman introduces us to William Dash and his remarkably resilient Mom, who have lived with William’s cerebral palsy and autism for many years, focusing on the moments of joy that keep coming their way.


From Cordoba, Spain, to an Amish community in the American heartland

OUR WRITERS ARE ACTIVE in many media networks around the world, including the International Association of Religion Journalists (IARJ)—and a network of American educators in communication. The IARJ website includes this new story about two of our colleagues who report on a global conference of journalists in Cordoba, Spain, and on a Michigan State University Bias Busters reporting trip to learn more about Amish communities.


David Gushee

Why Christian extremism endangers all of us

THE POPULAR PODCASTER KNOWN AS “Unconventional Pastor Paul” interviewed Dr. David Gushee this week. Paul begins the podcast this way: “So why do people twist themselves to make their Christian ethics fit their political ideas and political desires?” Click here to see that entire podcast video and learn more about both Pastor Paul and Dr. Gushee.


Howard Brown

Try “leading with kindness”

THIS WEEK, Howard Brown appears on the I AM CEO podcast series that focuses on leadership and resiliency. This 17-minute podcast opens with a brief audio excerpt of Howard talking about “leading with kindness,” then unfolds as an interview with Howard. Please enjoy this podcast as a bright spot in your day, available from Apple Podcasts and from Spotify Podcasts.




Click on this image to learn about the December issue of Ed McNulty’s Visual Parables Journal. To learn more about this inspiring monthly guide for individual reflection and group discussion, please read our earlier story, headlined:  Celebrate our 10th anniversary with Visual Parables by giving yourself and friends a gift of Faith & Film

Faith & Film

ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work is freely published. Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journal, a monthly magazine packed with discussion guides to films. This resource is used coast-to-coast by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.

Here are some of Ed’s most recent free reviews and columns:










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