Let’s circle the globe, asking: How can our world move from ‘I’ to ‘We’?

From Ukraine and Scotland to India and Detroit, Michigan—

Enjoy this multimedia reminder of our global connections!

Sharon Buttry and Ukraine—’The Myriad Roles of Women’

SHARON and her husband DAN BUTTRY are longtime friends of our publishing house. Check out Dan Buttry’s Amazon Author Page to learn more about their shared efforts on global peacemaking. This week, Sharon has completed an inspiring painting and online column about solidarity with the women of Ukraine. Please visit the Buttrys’ Global Peace Warrior website to see Sharon’s remarkable work.


Rodney Curtis and Scotland—a union and a reunion

RODNEY CURTIS is one of our most popular authors, columnists and photographers over the past decade. Check out Rodney’s Amazon Author Page to learn more about his books. This week, he’s telling us—and showing us—about highlights of his family’s recent sojourn in Scotland for a union of families in a Scottish castle. Please enjoy this column—and gorgeous photos—at Rodney’s website.


MSU Bias Busters and India—Let’s help stop anti-Sikh treatment in the U.S.

THIS WEEK, Michigan State University School of Journalism Bias Busters founder Joe Grimm writes about the timely need for all of us to help stop anti-Sikh bigotry that is cropping up in the U.S. this summer. This award-winning Bias Busters team of journalism students just recently published their 19th guidebook, 100 Questions and Answers about Sikh Americans. Please, read Joe Grimm’s column about recent troubling cases involving the treatment of Sikhs in the U.S.



MSU Bias Busters and Detroit—How can our world move from ‘I’ to ‘We’?

YOU’LL DEFINITELY ENJOY this short video from Michigan State University School of Journalism’s Joe Grimm that shows the Rev. Robert Jones demonstrating the roots of the famous protest song We Shall Overcome. Jones leaves us with the question: How can our world move from “I” to “We”? This is a video you’ll want to share with friends this week.



Suzy Farbman and Detroit—The Arts of the Cass Corridor

THE JEWISH NEWS has just published a profile of our columnist and author Suzy Farbman, focusing on her new book Detroit’s Cass Corridor and Beyond. “This is the story of the art world I knew,” Suzy tells journalist Suzanne Chessler. And, please, we also invite you to check out Suzy’s newest book on Amazon.



Holidays & Festivals

Krishna Janmashtami

AND ON AUGUST 18Across India and in Hindu communities worldwide, celebrations of Lord Krishna are planned—including, in some cities, those amazing human pyramids that are unique to this holiday.


Book Birthdays

PUBLISHERS and AUTHORS CELEBRATE “BOOK BIRTHDAYS,” the anniversaries of our books’ debuts. Among our August book birthdays are several that continue to be popular with readers.


WANT TO SEE ALL OF THE UPCOMING HOLIDAYS & FESTIVALS?—It’s easy to find our annual calendar of global observances. Just remember the web address: InterfaithHolidays.com




august visual parables

Click this image to learn more about the August 2022 issue of Visual Parables Journal, offering complete discussion guides to films that include Everything Everywhere All at Once, Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris, Resurrection and Vengeance.

Faith & Film

ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work is freely published. Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journal, a monthly magazine packed with discussion guides to films. This resource is used coast-to-coast by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.

Here are some of Ed’s most recent free reviews and columns:











