Cover Story: Inspiring Stories of Courageous Compassion—Pick up the Portable New eBook of ‘Blessed Are the Peacemakers’

‘In these Pages, You Will Meet Heroes’

In the pages of Blessed are the Peacemakers, you will meet more than 100 heroes, but most of them are not the kind of heroes our culture celebrates for muscle, beauty and wealth. These are peacemakers—and the world needs to hear their stories now more than ever.

That’s why our publishing house has just released an inexpensive, easy-to-carry eBook edition of the Rev. Daniel L. Buttry’s international collection of real-life stories. Whether you prefer Kindle or an Apple tablet—or you’ve never read an eBook before—we’ve got easy links for you to pick up a copy of this remarkable book that you can read anywhere. If you don’t have a dedicated e-reading device, there’s a free app for your smartphone to enjoy reading right now.

Profiles include many famous names, including Gandhi and Bono of the band U2. But this volume is packed with stories about men and women who you’ll be discovering for the first time. Although he is based in the United States, Buttry’s stories takes us across Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America as well.

Buttry calls himself a “peace warrior” after many years of circling our planet to assist grassroots peace movements on behalf of American Baptist Churches (the denomination that proudly counts the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. among its past members).

Do you enjoy a little inspirational reading each day? Get this new eBook edition and you’ll have real-life inspiration as close as the phone in your pocket. Our Cover Story has all the links you need to choose an eBook that will load easily on your devices. You could be reading these stories within minutes!



Martin Davis:
‘The Letter’

KNITTING RICH NEW BONDS—This week, we welcome back the journalist Martin Davis, whose occasional columns are charting the spiritual lives of millions of American families—through true stories from the everyday world around him. Martin debuted in December with memorable images from his family’s holiday observances. This week, Martin writes about another common experience—writing a letter to a loved one who is far away. In this case, his son dove into the rigorous Marine Corps training at Parris Island. Please, welcome Martin and share his column with friends who will enjoy it, too.





COMING SOON TO EAST AND WEST—Within three weeks, Christians around the world will be observing the Lenten season of reflection that leads to Easter. Western Christians—the majority of Christians in the U.S.—begin with Ash Wednesday on March 6. Holidays columnist Stephanie Fenton takes a look at Ash Wednesday, including news items about the popularity of Lent in 2019. Did you know that Lent is still the hottest season in the American seafood industry?

AND—Stephanie’s column also has a recommendation of our popular book for the season, Our Lent: Things We Carry. 

THEN—Eastern Christians—perhaps better known as the “Orthodox”—begin their Fast of Great Lent with Clean Monday on March 10. Stephanie has that story as well, including recipes for the traditional, unleavened lagna bread.


A GUIDE FOR LENT—In December, our magazine published high praise for author Amy Julia Becker’s new book, White Picket Fences: Turning Toward Love in a World Divided by Privilege. In our profile of Amy, we said this about her book:

The heart and soul of this book is the way Amy Julia describes—in the midst of ordinary family life—how she reaches startling moments of spiritual awareness about the world’s unjust divisions. She describes this through events that any parent will recognize as absolutely true. What’s so helpful about her memoir is the way she regards these moments as doorways. 

Now—just in time for Lent—she is offering a free Lenten Discussion Guide to her new book. You’ll want to check out her website for this offering, because she has some great ideas that can help you prepare for such an experience. Then, you’ll find options: a One-Time guide, a Three-Time guide as well as the new Lenten guide. Well done, Amy Julia! (If you’re among the many authors who regularly read our online magazine for fresh ideas—definitely take a look at the sophisticated and helpful way she makes this offer on her website.)

Want to see all the upcoming Holidays & Festivals? For quick reference, you can easily find Stephanie’s master calendar by going to—



The Most Interesting Muslim Man in the World

HAVING FUN WITH VIDEOIn this week’s Front Edge Publishing column, we celebrate the creativity of author Victor Begg, who has taken our advice about spreading awareness of his new book, Our Muslim Neighbors, by video. He created a basic promo video—then he and his talented family simply had fun with one of the popular video memes. We’ve got the video clip for you to judge for yourself. No question: He’s definitely an interesting man! Take a look. You’ll want to think about making some short videos yourself.



Faith & Film

Click on the image to learn more about the February 2019 issue of Visual Parables Journal, which includes complete study guides to Beale Street, Roma, Bumblebee, Stan & Ollie and many more movies.

ED McNULTY, for decades, has published reviews, magazine articles and books exploring connections between faith and film. Most of his work is freely published. Ed supports his work by selling the Visual Parables Journal, a monthly magazine packed with discussion guides to films. This resource is used coast-to-coast by individuals who love the movies and by educators, clergy and small-group leaders.

Among Ed’s free reviews and columns are:








