Ridvan: Baha’is observe ‘most great festival,’ starting on First Day of Ridvan

SUNSET SATURDAY, APRIL 20: The most holy Baha’i festival worldwide is the 12-day period known as Ridvan—and it starts today, with the First Day of Ridvan. Named “Ridvan” for “paradise,” this sacred festival commemorates Baha’u’llah’s time in the Najibiyyih Garden. After he was exiled by the Ottoman Empire, Baha'u'llah spent time in this garden and, here, made the first announcement of his prophethood. For Baha’is, Ridvan is the “King of Festivals,” and the first, ninth and 12th days are … [Read more...]

Nineteen-Day Fast: Baha’is enter devotional period leading up to New Year

SUNSET THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29: Sacred days “outside of time” began for members of the Baha’i faith at sundown last Sunday, as the festival of Ayyam-i-Ha, or Intercalary Days, commenced. Then, on the evening of February 29, Bahai's enter the final month of the calendar year with the Nineteen-Day Fast. THE NINETEEN-DAY FAST For the entire final month of the Baha’i calendar year—Ala, which lasts 19 days—Baha’is observe a sunrise-to-sunset fast. Many Baha’is regard the Nineteen-Day Fast as one … [Read more...]

Birth of the Bab, Birth of Baha’u’llah: Baha’is celebrate ‘Twin Holy Days’

SUNSET TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25 and SUNSET WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26: Million of Baha’is worldwide will celebrate the “Twin Holy Birthdays," as adherents of the faith rejoice in the birth anniversaries of the two figures most central to their faith: Baha’u’llah and the Bab. Events commence worldwide, as Baha’is first celebrate the birth of Baha’u’llah—the “Promised One”—and the Bab—the forerunner of their faith, who is known as “the Gate.” ‘TWIN HOLY DAYS’: CELEBRATING TOGETHER In questions … [Read more...]

Declaration of the Bab and Ascension of Baha’u’llah: Baha’is celebrate two holy days

TUESDAY, MAY 24 and SUNDAY, MAY 29: In the Baha'i calendar, there are 11 holy days each year—nine of which have work and school suspended—and two of those days are observed this week, with the Declaration of the Bab on May 24 and the Ascension of Baha'u'llah on May 29. The Declaration of the Bab marks the anniversary of the Bab's announcement of his mission, in 1844; the Ascension of Baha'u'llah recalls the passing of Baha'u'llah, in 1892. DECLARATION OF THE BAB, 'THE GATE' Baha’i … [Read more...]

Ayyam-i-Ha and Nineteen-Day Fast: Baha’is celebrate unity, prepare for New Year

Baha'i Gardens in Haifa, Israel. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25: Baha’is begin a period of special, “outside of time” days to correct their annual calendar. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2: Baha’is begin the 19-day month of Ala, which is a fasting month in preparation for the Baha’i New year. AYYAM-I-HA (DAYS OF HA) Sacred days “outside of time” begin for members of the Baha’i faith as the festival of Ayyam-i-Ha, or Intercalary Days, commences. Until sunset on March 1, … [Read more...]

Ridvan: Baha’is observe ‘most great festival’ for 12 days

SUNSET MONDAY, APRIL 19 through SUNSET SATURDAY, MAY 1: The most holy Baha’i festival worldwide is the 12-day period known as Ridvan. Named “Ridvan” for “paradise,” this sacred festival commemorates Baha’u’llah’s time in the Najibiyyih Garden—after he was exiled by the Ottoman Empire—and the first announcement of his prophethood. For Baha’is, Ridvan is the “King of Festivals,” and the first, ninth and 12th days are occasions for work and school to be suspended. RIDVAN: BAHA’U’LLAH IN THE … [Read more...]

Nowruz, Naw-Ruz, Ugadi and Ostara: Welcome spring

SATURDAY, MARCH 20 and SUNDAY, MARCH 21: All across the Northern Hemisphere, men, women and children welcome the season of spring, marked by the vernal equinox. This ancient cycle fuels celebrations worldwide: In many parts of the Middle East and Asia, the ancient holiday is known as Nowruz; for Bahai’s, it’s Naw-Ruz. For many Hindus, it’s Ugadi. For Pagans and Wiccans, it’s Ostara. Though the names and specific rituals may differ, the theme is joy in the promise of new life that … [Read more...]